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On some sites, the medical personnel are standing by in medical centers. Among their medical duties, LifeGuard has additional weather monitoring and detecting equipment that allow the medical practitioner to get a sense of the environment outside, monitor potentially dangerous trends and give live-time advisories to the client’s safety and managing personnel.


The equipment includes the Davis Vantage Pro 2 weather station, allowing real-time monitoring of wind speeds, direction, temperatures, wind chill, humidity levels and the THSW (Thermal, Humidity, Solar, Wind) temperature adjusted readings, near exactly equal to the Humidex system.


Along with the Davis Vantage Pro 2, LifeGuard employs the Boltek lines of lightning tracking and detection systems.


The Boltek 350 allows tracking of lightning hundreds of kilometers away, allowing the ability to anticipate storms that may be moving toward the location of operations. The Boltek EFM-100 Electric Field Monitor provides live and real-time monitoring of electrical buildup in the atmosphere immediately over the work location, as well as identification of lighting with a higher degree of accuracy up to approximately 25 Km from the sensor.


This means that even though no lightning has yet occurred, warnings can be issues as static electricity is detected building up to a potential “First Strike” lightning event.


This program has been of value on various work sites to allow information to flow and the LifeGuard medical personnel to be involved with the Client’s safety program, while maintaining constant medical readiness and manning the medical station.


Boltek Lighting Detection Map
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